About the Public Benefits Studio

The Benefits Studio is a product accelerator inside the federal government. We collaborate with benefits programs and the people they serve to build and scale shared tools that reduce burden within the social safety net.

As a part of GSA’s Technology Transformation Services (TTS), the Studio is uniquely positioned to work between and across agencies and programs, to make it easier and cheaper for programs with the same challenges to use the same tools.

We focus on benefits programs first, because we believe solving problems for people who face the highest challenges when interacting with the government will result in solutions that serve everyone else well, too.

The Studio’s first product offering is Notify.gov, a text message service that helps government agencies at all levels more effectively communicate with the people they serve.

We’re currently exploring two new product spaces:

  • Better Document Submission: How might we enable simple digital submission and document processing for benefits agencies?
  • Automated Enrollment Checks: How might we improve how enrollment information is shared across benefit programs, especially where enrollment in one program provides partial or full eligibility for another program?

If you’re interested in providing feedback on where we should go next, reach us at public-benefits-studio@gsa.gov.

Read more about the Studio: